Town of SNOW

Apple Cider Days

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Snow Festival
Apple Cider Days

It's Fall Festival Time!


Although it's only September, the town of Snow is getting ready for it's annual fall festival -- Apple Cider Days.

Every year as the apples ripen, the entire town begins to plan. This year we have the Women's Auxillary of the Methodist Church providing apple pie and home-made ice cream. If you're not into baking pies but love to eat them, this is the booth you want to locate!

In addition to pie, crafters and apple enthusiasts will have booths selling all things apple -- Apple Butter, dried apples, apple cider and sauce, apple cake and strudel. There will also be booths that have fun items like apple-head dolls, apple applique aprons, apple baking pottery and even apple shaped hot pads.

There will be music, bar-b-que and more! Come join us for this fun-filled time the second weekend of October. 


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